Scenarios Search Object Reference
This ScenarioSearch object is the response object of the simulations/search endpoint.
Which properties are returned and there values is determined by the query string appended to the simulations/search endpoint. For example, the default search returns the ScenarioSummaries list and excludes the Scenarios list. To return a list of Scenarios, append "output-scenario=true" to the search query string; the list of ScenariosSummaries is then excluded. Additionally, keyset pagination is used to break large search results into smaller response payloads. The key is the datetime of a new simulation request.
"Count" : 163,
"Scenarios": [],
"ScenarioSummaries" : [],
"Message": null
Count - integer
Count of records that satisfies the search query.
Scenarios - array of key-value pairs - conditional
Array of Scenario objects. The keyset property is the key is the datetime when a new simulation was requested. The value is the Scenario response object of the simulation request.
ScenarioSummaries - array of key-value pairs - conditional
Array of ScenarioSummary objects. The keyset property is the Requested datetime of the SimulationSummaries object, which refers to when a new simulation was requested. This ScenarioSummaries list is excluded when the search request elects to return Scenarios.
Message- string - conditional
Reason a search or count operation failed.
The Scenarios property returns the following key-value pair array, where Key is the keyset value for pagination and Value is a Scenario object.
"Key": "2023-02-07T11:17:42Z", //descending order - most recent to oldest
"Value": {
"Timestamp": "2023-02-07T11:17:42Z",
"UserId": "2268cf84-9c28-485e-ba68-6d3e162c80a1",
"StatusNbr": 7,
"StatusDescription": "Request completed",
"Settings": {..},
"SimulationStates": [..],
"ResourceRequirementsForecast": [..],
"CalendarizedForecast": [..],
"Calendars": [..],
"NoSolutionGraphs": null,
"Errors": null,
"ValidationPassed" : true,
"ValidationResults" : [..],
The ScenarioSummaries property returns the following array of key-value pairs, where Key is the keyset value for pagination and Value is a summary of a Scenario object.
"Key": "2023-01-31T00:00:00Z", //descending order - most recent to oldest
"Value": {
"Id" : "do.vj5rf3xjrgsvhzzuqejwa",
"Requested" : "2023-01-31T00:00:00Z",
"Completed" : "2023-01-31T02:30:63Z",
"ModelEffectiveDate": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"StatusNbr" : "7",
"StatusDescription" : "Simulator completed",
"ScenarioName" : "vmware demand forecast - ver 3",
"PoolId" : "US_ATL_PROD_123",
"PoolName" : "",
"CreatedBy": "2268cf84-9c28-485e-ba68-6d3e162c80a1"